Sorry these pics are in reverse! I got to sit in the cockpit for landing and this first pic is the view of the base as we came in!
Me sitting in the cocpit listening in the tower.
He is laying and using the boom to refule the AWAC plane.
Here is the AWAC plane we were refueling
We aslo refueled 2 F-16's
This is how they refueled the planes by laying down and using the boom.
The cockpit
Front part of the plane
View out of one of the windows. there were only 4 in the main cabi area
Seats- along the side of the plane
The fuel is stored under/beneath where we sit.
Top of the plane
Personal Oxogen helmets- if we neede them.
Back of the plane= at the very end is where you step down and into where they refuel the planes
Front half of the planes
Me in the seats
This was an awesome experience!!!! I loved my trip.
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